Branding Education


Listed below are all the upcoming education opportunities provided by the Alliance for the branding program. Each webinar will cover a different portion of the project in hopes of educating everyone on how to best implement these ideas into their own company. Only societies who paid to be a part of the branding campaign will be able to access these webinars and educational programs.


Webinar #1 Introduction | December 11, 2017

Date: December 11, 2017

This webinar will walk through the branding webpage that was provided to each society and briefly discuss what can be found on each of the subpages. We will close this webinar with questions to gather information about what societies need help with and what they are looking to gain from this branding program.

PowerPoint Slides

Webinar #2 Brand Personality & Language | January 10, 2018

Date: January 10, 2018

You Will Learn:

  • How the Alliance Conducted the Research and Developed the Methodology

  • Fraternal vs Community Life Insurers: What Should We Call Ourselves?

  • How to Communicate Our Attributes and Benefits

  • What Do Consumers See as the Upside of Doing Business With Us

  • What Barriers Do Consumers See In Doing Business With Us?

PowerPoint Slides

Webinar #3 Consumer Perceptions of Fraternals (Case Study) | January 17, 2018

Date: January 17, 2018

As a follow-up to Webinar 2 we will take what we learned about the consumer tested research and apply it to a ficticious society. We will walk you through a webpage and social media post and how you can apply this new language to them.

PowerPoint Slides

Webinar #4 Segmentation | January 24, 2018

Date: January 24, 2018

This webinar will include information from the final piece of this project. We will introduce you to 5 segments identified by Maddock Douglas as potential consumers to buy life insurance. As you will learn, some segments are much more likely to buy with a fraternal benefit society than others, so we will also discuss how to determine if you are talking to someone in one of those key consumer groups.

PowerPoint Slides

Webinar #5 How Agents Can Target and Communicate with Consumer Using Branding Research | April 5, 2018

Date: April 5, 2018

This webinar, hosted in conjunction with NAFIC, walked through the components of the Fraternal Branding Program. Using consumer tested research, Alliance staff discussed how consumers view fraternals and how to best communicate the attributes. We also introduced you to five segments identified by branding experts Maddock Douglas as potential consumers to buy life insurance.