Fraternal Brand Users Group - Brand Research Reports


Fraternal Brand Users Group – Brand Research Reports

The fraternal branding initiative and the materials and resources that have been created for the use of participating members are based on exhaustive consumer research and feedback. Each phase is built on research that the Alliance had conducted previously to glean more useful and dependable information in order to:

  • Create a common language to increase overall consumer understanding of fraternal benefit societies and their core, shared value proposition as articulated in the developed, tested positioning.

  • Provide direction as to the personality within which this overall message is most accepted and the way in which it is brought to life and communicated, allowing for greater certainty in developing individual society creative and communications.

  • Deliver long-standing value through identification of those customers and prospects who:

    • Are most open to doing business with organizations that offer the benefits that fraternal benefit societies deliver, creating a far more focused starting point for sales and marketing efforts with the ability to be even more focused by individual societies if desired, by layering on more specific criteria.

    • Offer the greatest opportunity for future offerings, helping to focus efforts on the creation of solutions that meet the needs of a high potential group with which the fraternal benefit society message resonates and that can be more specifically tailored for individual society areas of focus, strength and differentiation.

Click the images below to access the reports.