Fraternal Brand Users Group - Creative Assets
These assets portray the way the message, personality, name and language are communicated to consumers, creating impact, attention and awareness. These assets have been developed and refined and then tested with consumers to validate their resonance, impact and connection.
WHAT: objective
Create a campaign that:
Communicates the core intent of the positioning, and most compelling benefits and messages identified in research findings
Communicates those benefits and messages in the ways found to be most effective in research findings
Is delivered in the personality and tone preferred in testing: lighthearted, but not whimsical/erring on the serious side
Can include individual society identification (co-op)
Is impactful
WHO: audience
People who are in the market for insurance or retirement solutions and want to do business with organizations that are about more than making money.
HOW: message
What is the single most important message?
These organizations offer the two-fold benefit of providing competitive insurance and retirement solutions AND giving back to the community.
What support do we have for that to be believable?
These organizations are a different kind of insurance company, driven by purpose not profits
They are like mutual insurance companies (not public, owned by its members) with the added benefit of giving back to the community
They do that by reinvesting their profits to make a difference
The people who buy their solutions become a network of members, not customers
They've been doing this for more than 150 years
Their members and the communities they help are connected by shared values
PLEASE NOTE: The native files for these creative assets require software from the Adobe Creative Suite - Particularly InDesign and Photoshop. The native files are accessed via a Dropbox. Please contact for access.
PLEASE NOTE: These assets are currently undergoing a broad 50 state compliance review by the Alliance's consultant. This should be wrapped up in the next few weeks.
Leaderboards: Animated GIFs
Skyscraper Banners
Smartphone Banners
Social Media Ads