Local Lodge Report Definitions

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A lodge system is defined as the local unit of a fraternal benefit society into which members are elected, initiated or admitted in accordance with the society's constitution, laws or rules and ritual. Lodges are required to hold regular meetings directed toward the achievement of the purposes of the society. These subordinate local units may be known as lodges camps, courts, councils, branches, nests, or other designation.

Certificate Holders (Benefit Members) and Social Members

Certificate Holders are society members who retain life, accident or health insurance certificates, or annuity contracts, with their society. Social members are society members who do not retain such policies, but are active in the lodge system.

Community Service Events

A Community Service Event is any function, project or gathering of two or more members designed to assist needy individuals or the community at large. The event must be organized or sponsored by the society or one of its local lodges to qualify.

Community Service Hours measure the total hours contributed to Community Service Events by lodge members or others who work on projects directly sponsored by the local lodge. 

Community Service Financial Disbursements are the total dollars spent by the lodge to assist needy individuals or to improve the community at large. This total includes all monies disbursed by the local lodge toward community service events and projects, including funds disbursed as a result of local lodge fund-raising activities.

Fraternal Social/Fellowship Activities

Fraternal Social/Fellowship Activities tabulate the number of functions or gatherings that local lodge members conducted to carry out the business of the local lodge, promote fellowship among members, advance the purposes of the society or assist in the personal development of its members.

Fraternal Social/Fellowship Activities – Hours are the personnel hours devoted by local lodge members to lodge functions and activities other than community service functions. Hours include time attending, organizing, planning or working at fraternal events. Hours of home office or field personnel who are paid for their work are not included.

Fraternal Social/Fellowship Activities – Financial Disbursements are the total dollars spent to maintain and operate the lodge, carry out lodge activities or conduct fraternal events and can include hall rent, postage, utilities, insurance, office supplies, advertising, entertainment, refreshments, etc.

Home Office Contributions

Examples include:

  • Home Office contributions or grants to unrelated 501c organizations

  • Home Office contributions to a society's 501c3 organization

  • Home Office contributions via employee gift-matching programs.