Beyond financial security, fraternal benefits societies provide valuable contributions to their communities in countless ways. Inviting legislators to participate in these impact events is a critical component to educating and advocating for the fraternal sector. The Alliance launched the Spotlight Program to make it easier for members to engage with legislators with association help.  

How the program works:

Identify Events & Develop Champions
Identify worthwhile in-district events and encourage your federal representatives (list to be provided by the Alliance) to attend to develop supporters at the federal level.

Invitation Delivery & Securing of Participation
Based on event information you provide, the Alliance will work with Capitol Counsel, the federal lobbying firm retained by the Alliance, to assist you in delivering your invitations to the appropriate federal representatives. The Alliance will work with Capitol Counsel to obtain commitments to attend your society events from your federal representatives. In instances when your representatives are unable to attend your event, Capitol Counsel will work to secure attendance of surrogates from your representatives’ offices or obtain positive statements of support for your event.

On Site Event Support
The Alliance stands ready to provide support for your event as needed; for example, the Alliance will work with your society point person to provide suggested talking points and materials on fraternal priorities for use at your event to help better facilitate your interaction with your representatives.

Post Event Follow Up
The Alliance and Capitol Counsel will pursue appropriate follow up and thank you correspondence with your representatives at the conclusion of your event; for example, we will request that your representative co-sponsor the fraternal resolution to demonstrate his or her support for our mission.

More than 50 society members or community members in attendance with an opportunity for legislator participation or greetings.

Community service

Disaster relief activities

Home builds: ground breakings, build days and dedications

Food packing events

Veteran appreciation events

Shoe/clothing distributions
for children

Membership events focusing on volunteerism or youth leadership training events

If you would like more information or to discuss a potential program that you believe might be a fit, email