2025 Spring Symposium: Your Fraternal Event of the Year!

Two Tailored Tracks:

Fraternal & Communications:

  • Sharpening Your Video Skills for Society Success: A Hands-On Workshop

  • Social Media as a Megaphone for Fraternal Impact

  • Reimagining the Chapter System: Strategies for Restructure and Growth

  • Making Your Case for Fraternal Department Change: Strategies for Preventing Resistance

  • Building Stronger Communities with Powerful Member Events

Governance & Leadership:

  • The Three Stewardship Imperatives of Fit-for-Purpose Boards

  • Fraternal Gravitas: Projecting Expertise and Confidence for Better Outcomes

  • Appropriate Fraternal Spend: What’s Too Much or Too Little for a Tax-Exempt Insurer?

  • Fraternal Executive Compensation: The Right Talent, The Right Pay

  • Balancing Risk and Reward: ERM Strategies for Success

May 5-7, 2025

Hilton Cleveland Downtown
100 Lakeside Ave E.
Cleveland, OH 44114

View Recommendations

Spring Symposium Speakers

Strengthen your knowledge. Share ideas. Celebrate fraternal excellence!


All times are listed in Eastern Time. The agenda is subject to change.

Monday, May 5

2:00 – 6:00 p.m. | Registration and Event Information Desk

6:00 – 7:00 p.m. | Welcome Reception

Tuesday, May 6

7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Registration and Event Information Desk

8:00 – 8:45 a.m. | Coffee & Connecting

8:45 – 9:15 a.m. | Fraternal Pep Rally

9:30 – 10:30 a.m. | Workshops

Fraternal & Communications Track:
Sharpening Your Video Skills for Society Success: A Hands-On Workshop
- Tim Parsons, Senior Advisor, Idealist.org

Governance & Leadership Track:
The Three Stewardship Imperatives of Fit-for-Purpose Boards
- Jeff De Cagna, Executive Advisor, Foresight First LLC

10:30 a.m. | Break

10:45 – 11:45 a.m. | Workshops

Fraternal & Communications Track:
Social Media as a Megaphone for Fraternal Impact
- Marianne Blando, Social Media Coordinator, 1891 Financial Life
- Sarah Fracek, Vice President of Marketing & Communications, Trusted Fraternal Life
- Natasha Herleman, Digital Media & PR Specialist, GBU Life
- Hari Srinivasan, Founder & CEO, iCover

Governance & Leadership Track:
Fraternal Gravitas: Projecting Expertise and Confidence for Better Outcomes
- Kevin O’Connor, Certified Executive Coach

11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Lunch and Networking

1:15 – 2:15 p.m. | Workshops

Fraternal & Communications Track:
Reimagining the Chapter System: Strategies for Restructure and Growth
- Angie Bardsley, Team Lead, Philanthropy, Royal Neighbors of America
- Melissa Gottwalt, Fraternal Impact Manager, Modern Woodmen of America
- Keri Rursch, Fraternal Director, Modern Woodmen of America

Governance & Leadership Track:
Appropriate Fraternal Spend: What’s Too Much or Too Little for a Tax-Exempt Insurer?
- Mike Ahles, Senior Vice President of Distribution, Trusted Fraternal Life
- Chris Campbell, CEO & Chair of the Board, BetterLife

2:15 p.m. | Break

2:30 – 3:30 p.m. | Workshops

Fraternal & Communications Track:
Making Your Case for Fraternal Department Change: Strategies for Preventing Resistance
- Kevin O’Connor, Certified Executive Coach

Governance & Leadership Track:
Fraternal Executive Compensation: The Right Talent, The Right Pay
- Brett Herand, Managing Director, Pearl Meyer
- Tony Mravle, President & CEO, KSKJ Life
- Steve Shaffer, CEO, Homesteaders Life

3:30 – 4:30 p.m. | First Concert Memories & Fraternal Impact at the Symposium Soundstage!

What was the first concert you ever attended? Share your stories, connect with fellow members, and make a difference!

This unique networking experience blends music, fraternalism, and service as we team up with Blessings in a Backpack to assemble 500 bags of weekend meals for children in the Cleveland area.
The Alliance needs to raise $4,000 minimum to fill 500 bags. Donate online here or use the following to make a payment via check. Pledges may be submitted to info@fraternalalliance.org and check brought to Symposium.

Check payment details:
Alexis Hartman
303 East Eacker Drive, Suite 2030,
Chicago, IL 60601.

*Please note “AFA Packing 2025” on the check to ensure it goes toward the Alliance event and email info@fraternalalliance.org for tracking purposes.

4:30 p.m. | Adjourn

5:30 – 6:30 p.m. | Reception

Wednesday, May 7

8:00 a.m. – 11:45 p.m. | Registration and Event Information Desk

8:00 – 8:45 a.m. | Coffee & Connecting

8:45 – 9:00 a.m. | Alliance Remarks

9:00 – 9:45 a.m. | Keynote

Developing a Foresightly Perspective for the Turbulent Twenties
- Jeff De Cagna, Executive Advisor, Foresight First LLC

9:45 | Break

10:00 – 11:00 a.m. | Workshops

Fraternal & Communications Track:
Building Stronger Communities with Powerful Member Events
- Derek Hohn, Director, Fraternal Programs, Croatian Fraternal Union
- Jennifer Stockdale, AVP Communications & Community Development, GBU Life
- Angel Thomas, Senior Vice President Member Engagement, BetterLife

Governance & Leadership Track:
Balancing Risk and Reward: ERM Strategies for Success
- Andrew Edelsberg, SVP, Head of Business Development – Life Solutions Group, Gallagher Re
- Chris Myers, Enterprise Capital Strategist, New England Asset Management
- Bobbi Sedor, AVP, Enterprise Risk Management, GBU Life

11:00 – 11:45 a.m. | Networking Activity - Fraternal Talent Share

Celebrate our sector’s culture and individual gifts throughout this session while we network and enjoy treats before the meeting adjourns. Plus, be the first to find out what the Alliance is planning for 2026!

11:45 a.m. | Adjourn


Spring Symposium is limited to members of the American Fraternal Alliance.

  • Member Fraternal Benefit Societies: Unlimited registrants.

  • Symposium Sponsors: Maximum of two registrants.

  • Associate Members: One registrant who must sign a non-solicitation policy.

These policies will be strictly enforced. If you have questions about these limitations, please email info@fraternalalliance.org.


Fraternal Member Staff/Board: $510
Vendor (Associate Member) - Sponsor: $510
Vendor (Associate Member) - Non-Sponsor: $1,210
Registration rates increase April 14, 2025.

SPECIAL OFFER: Each member society will receive two $125 meeting stipends. The stipend code and additional details were sent to society CEOs. Please click here for more information and contact info@fraternalalliance.org.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Hall of Fame

Connect Now

Rock & Roll





The Alliance has secured a room block for event attendees at the host hotel.

Check your registration confirmation email for the reservation link.

Hilton Cleveland Downtown
100 Lakeside Ave E
Cleveland, OH 44114

Alliance Group Rate: $239 per night plus tax.


All cancellations must be submitted in writing to info@fraternalalliance.org.

The following cancellation rules apply to event registrations only. Please see sponsor agreements for applicable rules regarding these items.

Cancellations on or Before April 7, 2025
For cancellation requests received in writing on or before April 7, 2025, event registrations can be transferred to another individual at no cost or refunded less a $25 cancellation fee.

Cancellations on or After April 8, 2025
Cancellation requests received in writing on or after April 8, 2025, the Alliance will not refund registration fees. Guest registration fees will be refunded less a $25 cancellation fee.

What happens to my registration if American Fraternal Alliance cancels the event?
Attendees will be notified in writing within 48 hours of formal decision of cancellation. If the Alliance cancels an in-person event, attendees can convert their registrations to virtual, if applicable, and receive a refund of the difference between registration fees. Attendees can also choose to receive a full refund of registration fees. Optional activity and guest registrations will be automatically refunded.

The Alliance will provide specific instructions for cancelling hotel rooms at the official event hotel. Additional travel arrangements must be cancelled by individuals.

Please email info@fraternalalliance.org or contact the office at (630) 522-6322 with any questions.

Scenes from past Spring Symposium events